構文カテゴリ stx
は Lean.Parser.Command.syntax : command
文字列リテラルは アトム (if
stx ::=
文字列の先頭と末尾の空白はパースに影響しませんが、空白を入れた場合 証明状態 やエラーメッセージで構文を表示する時に Lean が対応する位置に空白が挿入されます。通常、構文規則のアトムとして出現する有効な識別子は予約キーワードになります。文字列リテラルの前にアンパサンド(&
stx ::= ...
| &str
stx ::= ...
| ident(:prec)?
修飾子 *
はクリーネスターで、直前の構文の0回以上の繰り返しにマッチします。これは many
stx ::= ...
| `p*` is shorthand for `many(p)`. It uses parser `p` 0 or more times, and produces a
`nullNode` containing the array of parsed results. This parser has arity 1.
If `p` has arity more than 1, it is auto-grouped in the items generated by the parser.
stx *
修飾子 +
は直前の構文の1回以上の繰り返しにマッチします。これは many1
stx ::= ...
| `p+` is shorthand for `many1(p)`. It uses parser `p` 1 or more times, and produces a
`nullNode` containing the array of parsed results. This parser has arity 1.
If `p` has arity more than 1, it is auto-grouped in the items generated by the parser.
stx +
修飾性 ?
は部分項をオプショナルにし、直前の構文の繰り返しに0回または1回(それ以上は繰り返さない)にマッチします。これは optional
stx ::= ...
| `(p)?` is shorthand for `optional(p)`. It uses parser `p` 0 or 1 times, and produces a
`nullNode` containing the array of parsed results. This parser has arity 1.
`p` is allowed to have arity n > 1 (in which case the node will have either 0 or n children),
but if it has arity 0 then the result will be ambiguous.
Because `?` is an identifier character, `ident?` will not work as intended.
You have to write either `ident ?` or `(ident)?` for it to parse as the `?` combinator
applied to the `ident` parser.
stx ?
stx ::= ...
| Returns `some x` if `f` succeeds with value `x`, else returns `none`.
修飾子 ,*
はカンマで区切られた直前の構文の0回以上の繰り返しにマッチします。これは sepBy
stx ::= ...
| `p,*` is shorthand for `sepBy(p, ",")`. It parses 0 or more occurrences of
`p` separated by `,`, that is: `empty | p | p,p | p,p,p | ...`.
It produces a `nullNode` containing a `SepArray` with the interleaved parser
results. It has arity 1, and auto-groups its component parser if needed.
stx ,*
修飾子 ,+
はカンマで区切られた直前の構文の1回以上の繰り返しにマッチします。これは sepBy1
stx ::= ...
| `p,+` is shorthand for `sepBy(p, ",")`. It parses 1 or more occurrences of
`p` separated by `,`, that is: `p | p,p | p,p,p | ...`.
It produces a `nullNode` containing a `SepArray` with the interleaved parser
results. It has arity 1, and auto-groups its component parser if needed.
stx ,+
修飾子 ,*,?
はカンマで区切られた直前の構文の0回以上の繰り返しにマッチし、繰り返しの最後のカンマを任意にすることができます。これは allowTrailingSep
を伴った sepBy
stx ::= ...
| `p,*,?` is shorthand for `sepBy(p, ",", allowTrailingSep)`.
It parses 0 or more occurrences of `p` separated by `,`, possibly including
a trailing `,`, that is: `empty | p | p, | p,p | p,p, | p,p,p | ...`.
It produces a `nullNode` containing a `SepArray` with the interleaved parser
results. It has arity 1, and auto-groups its component parser if needed.
stx ,*,?
修飾子 ,+,?
はカンマで区切られた直前の構文の1回以上の繰り返しにマッチし、繰り返しの最後のカンマを任意にすることができます。これは allowTrailingSep
を伴った sepBy1
stx ::= ...
| `p,+,?` is shorthand for `sepBy1(p, ",", allowTrailingSep)`.
It parses 1 or more occurrences of `p` separated by `,`, possibly including
a trailing `,`, that is: `p | p, | p,p | p,p, | p,p,p | ...`.
It produces a `nullNode` containing a `SepArray` with the interleaved parser
results. It has arity 1, and auto-groups its component parser if needed.
stx ,+,?
演算子 <|>
は orelse
stx ::= ...
| `p1 <|> p2` is shorthand for `orelse(p1, p2)`, and parses either `p1` or `p2`.
It does not backtrack, meaning that if `p1` consumes at least one token then
`p2` will not be tried. Therefore, the parsers should all differ in their first
token. The `atomic(p)` parser combinator can be used to locally backtrack a parser.
(For full backtracking, consider using extensible syntax classes instead.)
On success, if the inner parser does not generate exactly one node, it will be
automatically wrapped in a `group` node, so the result will always be arity 1.
The `<|>` combinator does not generate a node of its own, and in particular
does not tag the inner parsers to distinguish them, which can present a problem
when reconstructing the parse. A well formed `<|>` parser should use disjoint
node kinds for `p1` and `p2`.
stx <|> stx
stx ::= ...
| orelse(stx, stx)
演算子 !
stx ::= ...
| `!p` parses the negation of `p`. That is, it fails if `p` succeeds, and
otherwise parses nothing. It has arity 0.
! stx
stx ::= ...
| (stx)
繰り返しは many
と many1
stx ::= ...
| many(stx)
stx ::= ...
| many1(stx)
区切り文字を使った繰り返しは sepBy
と sepBy1
パラメータが4つの場合、オプションとしてシーケンスの最後にセパレータを追加することができます。第4引数は常にキーワード allowTrailingSep
stx ::= ...
| sepBy(stx, str)
stx ::= ...
| sepBy(stx, str, stx)
stx ::= ...
| sepBy(stx, str, stx, allowTrailingSep)
stx ::= ...
| sepBy1(stx, str)
stx ::= ...
| sepBy1(stx, str, stx)
stx ::= ...
| sepBy1(stx, str, stx, allowTrailingSep)