11.3. simp セット(Simp sets)🔗

単純化器が使用する規則のセットを simp セット (simp set)と呼びます。simp セットは、デフォルト simp セット (default simp set)への修正の観点において指定が行われます。これらの修正には規則の追加・削除・セットの追加が含まれます。 simp タクティクに only 修飾子を付けると、デフォルト simp セットではなく、空の simp セットから開始します。規則は simp 属性を使ってデフォルト simp セットに追加されます。


simp 属性はデフォルト simp セットに宣言を追加します。宣言が定義である場合、その定義は展開用としてマークされます;宣言が定理である場合、その定理は書き換え規則として登録されます。

attr ::= ...
    | Theorems tagged with the `simp` attribute are used by the simplifier
(i.e., the `simp` tactic, and its variants) to simplify expressions occurring in your goals.
We call theorems tagged with the `simp` attribute "simp theorems" or "simp lemmas".
Lean maintains a database/index containing all active simp theorems.
Here is an example of a simp theorem.
@[simp] theorem ne_eq (a b : α) : (a ≠ b) = Not (a = b) := rfl
This simp theorem instructs the simplifier to replace instances of the term
`a ≠ b` (e.g. `x + 0 ≠ y`) with `Not (a = b)` (e.g., `Not (x + 0 = y)`).
The simplifier applies simp theorems in one direction only:
if `A = B` is a simp theorem, then `simp` replaces `A`s with `B`s,
but it doesn't replace `B`s with `A`s. Hence a simp theorem should have the
property that its right-hand side is "simpler" than its left-hand side.
In particular, `=` and `↔` should not be viewed as symmetric operators in this situation.
The following would be a terrible simp theorem (if it were even allowed):
@[simp] lemma mul_right_inv_bad (a : G) : 1 = a * a⁻¹ := ...
Replacing 1 with a * a⁻¹ is not a sensible default direction to travel.
Even worse would be a theorem that causes expressions to grow without bound,
causing simp to loop forever.

By default the simplifier applies `simp` theorems to an expression `e`
after its sub-expressions have been simplified.
We say it performs a bottom-up simplification.
You can instruct the simplifier to apply a theorem before its sub-expressions
have been simplified by using the modifier `↓`. Here is an example
@[simp↓] theorem not_and_eq (p q : Prop) : (¬ (p ∧ q)) = (¬p ∨ ¬q) :=

You can instruct the simplifier to rewrite the lemma from right-to-left:
attribute @[simp ←] and_assoc

When multiple simp theorems are applicable, the simplifier uses the one with highest priority.
The equational theorems of function are applied at very low priority (100 and below).
If there are several with the same priority, it is uses the "most recent one". Example:
@[simp high] theorem cond_true (a b : α) : cond true a b = a := rfl
@[simp low+1] theorem or_true (p : Prop) : (p ∨ True) = True :=
  propext <| Iff.intro (fun _ => trivial) (fun _ => Or.inr trivial)
@[simp 100] theorem ite_self {d : Decidable c} (a : α) : ite c a a = a := by
  cases d <;> rfl
attr ::= ...
    | Theorems tagged with the `simp` attribute are used by the simplifier
(i.e., the `simp` tactic, and its variants) to simplify expressions occurring in your goals.
We call theorems tagged with the `simp` attribute "simp theorems" or "simp lemmas".
Lean maintains a database/index containing all active simp theorems.
Here is an example of a simp theorem.
@[simp] theorem ne_eq (a b : α) : (a ≠ b) = Not (a = b) := rfl
This simp theorem instructs the simplifier to replace instances of the term
`a ≠ b` (e.g. `x + 0 ≠ y`) with `Not (a = b)` (e.g., `Not (x + 0 = y)`).
The simplifier applies simp theorems in one direction only:
if `A = B` is a simp theorem, then `simp` replaces `A`s with `B`s,
but it doesn't replace `B`s with `A`s. Hence a simp theorem should have the
property that its right-hand side is "simpler" than its left-hand side.
In particular, `=` and `↔` should not be viewed as symmetric operators in this situation.
The following would be a terrible simp theorem (if it were even allowed):
@[simp] lemma mul_right_inv_bad (a : G) : 1 = a * a⁻¹ := ...
Replacing 1 with a * a⁻¹ is not a sensible default direction to travel.
Even worse would be a theorem that causes expressions to grow without bound,
causing simp to loop forever.

By default the simplifier applies `simp` theorems to an expression `e`
after its sub-expressions have been simplified.
We say it performs a bottom-up simplification.
You can instruct the simplifier to apply a theorem before its sub-expressions
have been simplified by using the modifier `↓`. Here is an example
@[simp↓] theorem not_and_eq (p q : Prop) : (¬ (p ∧ q)) = (¬p ∨ ¬q) :=

You can instruct the simplifier to rewrite the lemma from right-to-left:
attribute @[simp ←] and_assoc

When multiple simp theorems are applicable, the simplifier uses the one with highest priority.
The equational theorems of function are applied at very low priority (100 and below).
If there are several with the same priority, it is uses the "most recent one". Example:
@[simp high] theorem cond_true (a b : α) : cond true a b = a := rfl
@[simp low+1] theorem or_true (p : Prop) : (p ∨ True) = True :=
  propext <| Iff.intro (fun _ => trivial) (fun _ => Or.inr trivial)
@[simp 100] theorem ite_self {d : Decidable c} (a : α) : ite c a a = a := by
  cases d <;> rfl
simp Use this rewrite rule after entering the subterms  (?
       | <- ?)
attr ::= ...
    | Theorems tagged with the `simp` attribute are used by the simplifier
(i.e., the `simp` tactic, and its variants) to simplify expressions occurring in your goals.
We call theorems tagged with the `simp` attribute "simp theorems" or "simp lemmas".
Lean maintains a database/index containing all active simp theorems.
Here is an example of a simp theorem.
@[simp] theorem ne_eq (a b : α) : (a ≠ b) = Not (a = b) := rfl
This simp theorem instructs the simplifier to replace instances of the term
`a ≠ b` (e.g. `x + 0 ≠ y`) with `Not (a = b)` (e.g., `Not (x + 0 = y)`).
The simplifier applies simp theorems in one direction only:
if `A = B` is a simp theorem, then `simp` replaces `A`s with `B`s,
but it doesn't replace `B`s with `A`s. Hence a simp theorem should have the
property that its right-hand side is "simpler" than its left-hand side.
In particular, `=` and `↔` should not be viewed as symmetric operators in this situation.
The following would be a terrible simp theorem (if it were even allowed):
@[simp] lemma mul_right_inv_bad (a : G) : 1 = a * a⁻¹ := ...
Replacing 1 with a * a⁻¹ is not a sensible default direction to travel.
Even worse would be a theorem that causes expressions to grow without bound,
causing simp to loop forever.

By default the simplifier applies `simp` theorems to an expression `e`
after its sub-expressions have been simplified.
We say it performs a bottom-up simplification.
You can instruct the simplifier to apply a theorem before its sub-expressions
have been simplified by using the modifier `↓`. Here is an example
@[simp↓] theorem not_and_eq (p q : Prop) : (¬ (p ∧ q)) = (¬p ∨ ¬q) :=

You can instruct the simplifier to rewrite the lemma from right-to-left:
attribute @[simp ←] and_assoc

When multiple simp theorems are applicable, the simplifier uses the one with highest priority.
The equational theorems of function are applied at very low priority (100 and below).
If there are several with the same priority, it is uses the "most recent one". Example:
@[simp high] theorem cond_true (a b : α) : cond true a b = a := rfl
@[simp low+1] theorem or_true (p : Prop) : (p ∨ True) = True :=
  propext <| Iff.intro (fun _ => trivial) (fun _ => Or.inr trivial)
@[simp 100] theorem ite_self {d : Decidable c} (a : α) : ite c a a = a := by
  cases d <;> rfl
simp Use this rewrite rule before entering the subterms  (?
       | <- ?)
attr ::= ...
    | Theorems tagged with the `simp` attribute are used by the simplifier
(i.e., the `simp` tactic, and its variants) to simplify expressions occurring in your goals.
We call theorems tagged with the `simp` attribute "simp theorems" or "simp lemmas".
Lean maintains a database/index containing all active simp theorems.
Here is an example of a simp theorem.
@[simp] theorem ne_eq (a b : α) : (a ≠ b) = Not (a = b) := rfl
This simp theorem instructs the simplifier to replace instances of the term
`a ≠ b` (e.g. `x + 0 ≠ y`) with `Not (a = b)` (e.g., `Not (x + 0 = y)`).
The simplifier applies simp theorems in one direction only:
if `A = B` is a simp theorem, then `simp` replaces `A`s with `B`s,
but it doesn't replace `B`s with `A`s. Hence a simp theorem should have the
property that its right-hand side is "simpler" than its left-hand side.
In particular, `=` and `↔` should not be viewed as symmetric operators in this situation.
The following would be a terrible simp theorem (if it were even allowed):
@[simp] lemma mul_right_inv_bad (a : G) : 1 = a * a⁻¹ := ...
Replacing 1 with a * a⁻¹ is not a sensible default direction to travel.
Even worse would be a theorem that causes expressions to grow without bound,
causing simp to loop forever.

By default the simplifier applies `simp` theorems to an expression `e`
after its sub-expressions have been simplified.
We say it performs a bottom-up simplification.
You can instruct the simplifier to apply a theorem before its sub-expressions
have been simplified by using the modifier `↓`. Here is an example
@[simp↓] theorem not_and_eq (p q : Prop) : (¬ (p ∧ q)) = (¬p ∨ ¬q) :=

You can instruct the simplifier to rewrite the lemma from right-to-left:
attribute @[simp ←] and_assoc

When multiple simp theorems are applicable, the simplifier uses the one with highest priority.
The equational theorems of function are applied at very low priority (100 and below).
If there are several with the same priority, it is uses the "most recent one". Example:
@[simp high] theorem cond_true (a b : α) : cond true a b = a := rfl
@[simp low+1] theorem or_true (p : Prop) : (p ∨ True) = True :=
  propext <| Iff.intro (fun _ => trivial) (fun _ => Or.inr trivial)
@[simp 100] theorem ite_self {d : Decidable c} (a : α) : ite c a a = a := by
  cases d <;> rfl
simp prio

カスタム simp セットは registerSimpAttr で作成します。これは 初期化 中における Lean.Parser.Command.initialize : commandinitialize ブロック内でのみ実行可能です。副次効果として、カスタム simp セットに規則を追加する simp と同じインタフェースを持つ新しい属性を作成します。戻り値は SimpExtension で、プログラムにてカスタム simp セットの内容にアクセスするために使用できます。 simp タクティクは規則のリストにその属性名を含めることで新しい simp セットを使用するとうに指示できます。

  (attrName : Lean.Name) (attrDescr : String)
  (ref : Lean.Name := by exact decl_name%) :
  IO Lean.Meta.SimpExtension
Lean.Meta.SimpExtension : Type