9.8. プロセス(Processes)

9.8.1. 現在のプロセス(Current Process)

IO.Process.getCurrentDir : IO System.FilePath

Returns the current working directory of the calling process.

    (path : System.FilePath) : IO Unit

Sets the current working directory of the calling process.

IO.Process.exit {α : Type} : UInt8IO α
IO.Process.getPID : BaseIO UInt32

Returns the process ID of the calling process.

9.8.2. プロセスの実行(Running Processes)

Lean から他のプログラムを実行するには主に3つの方法があります:

  1. IO.Process.run は他のプログラムを同期的に実行し、その標準出力を文字列として返します。プロセスが 0 以外のエラーコードで終了した場合、エラーを投げます。

  2. IO.Process.output は空の標準入力で別のプログラムを同期的に実行し、その標準出力・標準エラー・終了コードをキャプチャします。プロセスが失敗して終了してもエラーは投げられません。

  3. IO.Process.spawn は別のプログラムを非同期に開始し、プロセスの標準入力・標準出力・エラーストリームにアクセスするために使用できるデータ構造を返します。

IO.Process.run (args : IO.Process.SpawnArgs)
    : IO String

Run process to completion and return stdout on success.


このプログラムを実行すると、Unix のツール cat を使って自分のソースコードと自分自身を2回連結します。

def main : IO Unit := do let src2 IO.Process.run {cmd := "cat", args := #["Main.lean", "Main.lean"]} IO.println src2 -- Main.lean ends here


stdout-- Main.lean begins heredef main : IO Unit := do let src2 ← IO.Process.run {cmd := "cat", args := #["Main.lean", "Main.lean"]} IO.println src2-- Main.lean ends here-- Main.lean begins heredef main : IO Unit := do let src2 ← IO.Process.run {cmd := "cat", args := #["Main.lean", "Main.lean"]} IO.println src2-- Main.lean ends here

このプログラムは Unix ユーティリティ grep をフィルタとして使って4桁の回文を見つけます。 0 から 9999 までのすべての数字を含むファイルを作成し、それに対して grep を実行し、その結果を標準出力から読み取ります。

def main : IO Unit := do -- Feed the input to the subprocess IO.FS.withFile "numbers.txt" .write fun h => for i in [0:10000] do h.putStrLn (toString i) let palindromes IO.Process.run { cmd := "grep", args := #[r#"^\([0-9]\)\([0-9]\)\2\1$"#, "numbers.txt"] } let count := palindromes.trim.splitOn "\n" |>.length IO.println s!"There are {count} four-digit palindromes."


stdoutThere are 90 four-digit palindromes.
IO.Process.output (args : IO.Process.SpawnArgs)
    : IO IO.Process.Output

Run process to completion and capture output. The process does not inherit the standard input of the caller.


このプログラムを実行すると、まず存在しないファイルに対して cat を呼び出し、その結果のエラーコードを表示します。その後、Unix のツールである cat を使って自分自身のソースコードと自分自身を2回連結します。

def main : IO UInt32 := do let src1 IO.Process.output {cmd := "cat", args := #["Nonexistent.lean"]} IO.println s!"Exit code from failed process: {src1.exitCode}" let src2 IO.Process.output {cmd := "cat", args := #["Main.lean", "Main.lean"]} if src2.exitCode == 0 then IO.println src2.stdout else IO.eprintln "Concatenation failed" return 1 return 0 -- Main.lean ends here


stdoutExit code from failed process: 1-- Main.lean begins heredef main : IO UInt32 := do let src1 ← IO.Process.output {cmd := "cat", args := #["Nonexistent.lean"]} IO.println s!"Exit code from failed process: {src1.exitCode}" let src2 ← IO.Process.output {cmd := "cat", args := #["Main.lean", "Main.lean"]} if src2.exitCode == 0 then IO.println src2.stdout else IO.eprintln "Concatenation failed" return 1 return 0-- Main.lean ends here-- Main.lean begins heredef main : IO UInt32 := do let src1 ← IO.Process.output {cmd := "cat", args := #["Nonexistent.lean"]} IO.println s!"Exit code from failed process: {src1.exitCode}" let src2 ← IO.Process.output {cmd := "cat", args := #["Main.lean", "Main.lean"]} if src2.exitCode == 0 then IO.println src2.stdout else IO.eprintln "Concatenation failed" return 1 return 0-- Main.lean ends here
IO.Process.spawn (args : IO.Process.SpawnArgs)
    : IO (IO.Process.Child args.toStdioConfig)

このプログラムは Unix ユーティリティ grep をフィルタとして使って4桁の回文を見つけます。 0 から 9999 までのすべての数字を grep プロセスに送り、その結果を読み込みます。このコードは grep が十分に高速で、出力パイプが90個の4桁回文をすべて含むのに十分な大きさがある場合においてのみ正しく動作します。

def main : IO Unit := do let grep IO.Process.spawn { cmd := "grep", args := #[r#"^\([0-9]\)\([0-9]\)\2\1$"#], stdin := .piped, stdout := .piped, stderr := .null } -- Feed the input to the subprocess for i in [0:10000] do grep.stdin.putStrLn (toString i) -- Consume its output, after waiting 100ms for grep to process the data. IO.sleep 100 let count := ( grep.stdout.readToEnd).trim.splitOn "\n" |>.length IO.println s!"There are {count} four-digit palindromes."


stdoutThere are 90 four-digit palindromes.
IO.Process.SpawnArgs : Type





stdin : IO.Process.Stdio
Inherited from
  1. IO.Process.StdioConfig
stdout : IO.Process.Stdio
Inherited from
  1. IO.Process.StdioConfig
stderr : IO.Process.Stdio
Inherited from
  1. IO.Process.StdioConfig
cmd : String

Command name.

args : Array String

Arguments for the process

cwd : Option System.FilePath

Working directory for the process. Inherit from current process if none.

env : Array (String × Option String)

Add or remove environment variables for the process.

setsid : Bool

Start process in new session and process group using setsid. Currently a no-op on non-POSIX platforms.

IO.Process.StdioConfig : Type




stdin : IO.Process.Stdio

Configuration for the process' stdin handle.

stdout : IO.Process.Stdio

Configuration for the process' stdout handle.

stderr : IO.Process.Stdio

Configuration for the process' stderr handle.

🔗inductive type
IO.Process.Stdio : Type


inherit : IO.Process.Stdio
    : IO.Process.StdioType
IO.Process.Child (cfg : IO.Process.StdioConfig)
    : Type




stdin : cfg.stdin.toHandleType
stdout : cfg.stdout.toHandleType
stderr : cfg.stderr.toHandleType
    {cfg : IO.Process.StdioConfig}
    : IO.Process.Child cfgIO UInt32

Block until the child process has exited and return its exit code.

    {cfg : IO.Process.StdioConfig}
    : IO.Process.Child cfgIO (Option UInt32)

Check whether the child has exited yet. If it hasn't return none, otherwise its exit code.

    {cfg : IO.Process.StdioConfig}
    : IO.Process.Child cfgIO Unit

Terminates the child process using the SIGTERM signal or a platform analogue. If the process was started using SpawnArgs.setsid, terminates the entire process group instead.

    {cfg : IO.Process.StdioConfig}
    : IO.Process.Child cfgIO
        (cfg.stdin.toHandleType ×
            { stdin := IO.Process.Stdio.null,
              stdout := cfg.stdout,
              stderr := cfg.stderr })

Extract the stdin field from a Child object, allowing them to be freed independently. This operation is necessary for closing the child process' stdin while still holding on to a process handle, e.g. for Child.wait. A file handle is closed when all references to it are dropped, which without this operation includes the Child object.


このプログラムは Unix ユーティリティ grep をフィルタとして使って4桁の回文を見つけ、サブプロセスが正常に終了するようにします。 0 から 9999 までのすべての数字を grep プロセスに送り、それからプロセスの標準入力を閉じて終了させます。grep の終了コードをチェックした後、プログラムはその結果を取り出します。

def main : IO UInt32 := do let grep do let (stdin, child) ( IO.Process.spawn { cmd := "grep", args := #[r#"^\([0-9]\)\([0-9]\)\2\1$"#], stdin := .piped, stdout := .piped, stderr := .null }).takeStdin -- Feed the input to the subprocess for i in [0:10000] do stdin.putStrLn (toString i) -- Return the child without its stdin handle. -- This closes the handle, because there are -- no more references to it. pure child -- Wait for grep to terminate if ( grep.wait) != 0 then IO.eprintln s!"grep terminated unsuccessfully" return 1 -- Consume its output let count := ( grep.stdout.readToEnd).trim.splitOn "\n" |>.length IO.println s!"There are {count} four-digit palindromes." return 0


stdoutThere are 90 four-digit palindromes.
IO.Process.Output : Type




exitCode : UInt32
stdout : String
stderr : String